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Boneville, Georgia


The Mill and House are actually older than that. Both date from the Mid 1840s, when a group of investors from Augusta , headed by a man named John Bones, built a dam to back up Emboss Creek there and constructed the Mill.

The early Mill was used to make cards which were used for spinning cotten into thread. The original Mill was a long, low building of heavy timber, joined with out nails. Its remains can still be seen down the hill from the old house.

The house may have been constructed sometime in the late 1840's or early 1850s as a residence for the Mill owners as a small community grew up around the Mill ,named in those days Bonesville The Mill operated until the Civil war, though never as a great success due to its remote location. I have never heard of slaves being used in the Mill but it is possible. If so, they were rented from local land owners.

In 1872 a new group of investors bought the Mill property and house, and incorporated as the Boneville Manufacturing Company. They manufactured shoes, dry goods and operated a grist mill as well as opening a company store. The original Boneville Post Office was built at this time,as well as a rail depot.

Boneville was also, at this time, a major shipping point on the Georgia RailRoad, sending out the goods made at the mill and hundreds of watermelons grown in the area.

The Old House was converted into a Hotel and Boarding house in the 1880s to serve the Rail passengers. It soon became popular as a weekend getaway for Augustans who came to picnic and swim in Boneville Pond.

The town grew to include doctors and business men of all sorts, and boasted of fine clothing shops, its own bank, and restraunts. It was a thriving community until the 1920s, when the Rail Depot was discontinued.

The hard times of the 1930s finally closed the mill and bank, and most of the businesses closed or moved away.

The house has long been rumored to be haunted. The story is that a despondent guest at the Hotel once hung himself from the stairway rail. Legend has it that if you stand on the stairway, you may feel a hand brush against your cheek, or feel someone push past you. There is no mention in the Thomson papers of the day of any such thing ever happening in Boneville, but news coverage was spotty at that time, so the story may have some truth to it.

It is hoped that someday the Mill and House may be restored before they are lost forever.

The Former owner Wesley Smith indeed haunts the House still today.



Disembodied voices, footsteps, shadow people, full body apparitions, equipment failure, people being attacked by unknown presence.



This is a very active location, having been there multiple times attempting to document all that has been encountered at this place. This is actually the location that got most of the CSRA Paranormal team interested in paranormal research, having visited it in their teens.

Crybaby Bridge: Edgefield, SC


This old bridge on the outskirts of Edgefield, SC, is located over Horns Creek, and is passed on the way to historic Horns Creek Baptist Church.

Many stories surround this area, from a woman drowning her unwanted child, then drowning herself for doing the horrible act, to a carriage riding over the edge of the bridge and falling into the deep creek, drowning both mother and child passengers. There is no conclusive evidence of either tale, but there are many tales of paranormal activity here.



There are accounts of seeing a woman dressed in period clothing, to seeing a blue light floating around the bottom of the creek. Many have followed a folklore tale of putting their keys on the hood of their cars, and leaning over the rail of the bridge and screaming out either 'I got your baby' or 'I killed your baby.' Then there are the claims that after this is yelled, the doors of the car locks, and, if the car is on, will immediatly shut off.

Many have claimed to have handprints from a child on the back of their vehicles after leaving the location.

Many others have claimed to see full bodied apparitions of a woman holding a basket, and the apparition of the baby itself trying to warn them to leave.



From the blood curdling scream that only two team members heard, and that was caught on video, to the lantern light in the woods, this place has some activity, but it is believed to be more connected with Horns Creek Baptist Church and the area around it.

Grovetown Trails: Grovetown, Georgia


A park that was just recently built a few years ago. It wraps around Euchee Creek, and has a quarry pond located on the premises.

The history of the area surrounds the Euchee Indians and the Quakers, during the time that Columbia County was in its infancy stages. Not much is know on the history of the location, or if any substantial events ever took place on or near the location, as a majority of Columbia County's history was not kept, and what is presented is possibly false.



Claims of strange mists at night, as well as feelings of being watched when no one is around have been reported. Many have seen strange men roaming the wooded areas, and have heard voices when no one is around.



We were originally going to use this as a training area for new investigators. However, after checking out the place ourselves and being very skeptical of it being haunted, we found more than what we bargained for. There is a deep rooted past that still lives on, and has yet to be discovered. Activity is strong here, especially around the quarry pond and Euchee Creek itself.

Brotherhood House: Grovetown, Georgia


Not much is known about this little two room abandoned shack that sits off in the woods on Railroad Avenue. Many have claimed that it has been used for demonic worship and other satanic practices. It has been confirmed that many teens use the place to do drugs and have sexual intercourse.



Full bodied apparitions, strange sounds from inside the house, weird light anomalies, strange smells



Very haunted location!!!! This started off normal enough, like any typical investigation. Then it went crazy! Spirits were banging on walls, spiking our EMF meter to answer, admitting to being demonic. After leaving, we discovered that an evil vindictive spirit follow the us home. Actually had to go back and cleanse the house and attempt to put back what followed the team home. Do not recommend investigating this location unless you are fully prepared for what you will face.

Moon River Brewing Company:
Savannah, Georgia


Moon River Brewing Company is located in the former City Hotel. Elazer Early, a native of Charleston, S.C, built the City Hotel in 1821. Not only was it the first hotel in Savannah, but it was also home to the first branch of the United States Post Office in Savannah, as well as a branch of the Bank of the United States. It must have been convenient having a hotel, post office, bank and bar all under one roof!

Many notable people stayed at the City Hotel, including War of 1812 hero Winfield Scott, the Marquis de Lafayette, the first three commodores of the U.S. Navy and naturalist James Audubon. Audubon stayed six months while attempting to sell books full of his wildlife sketches.

In 1851 Peter Wiltberger bought the City Hotel. He renovated it and put a live lion and lioness on display to draw attention to his business. City Hotels final guest checked out in 1864, just before the arrival of General Tecumseh Sherman during the war of Northern Aggression and the subsequent closing of the City Hotel.

At the turn of the century, the building was used as a lumber and coal warehouse. As the use of coal slowly died off, the building was used for general storage. In the 1960s the space was renovated as an office supply store, complete with a large printing press. Hurricane David forced this business to close in 1979 when it blew the roof off the structure.

The building sat empty until 1995 when it was renovated into its current configuration as a brew pub. The Moon River Brewing Company debuted in this space on April 10, 1999.



Staff has seen various apparitions, including but not limited to children, a soldier standing in the phone booth in the restaurant area, a woman in the main bar area, and a shadow figure that they have named Toby. Disembodied voices and objects moving on there own have also been reported, as well as physical attacks in the basement.



We investigated the basement, which is said to be the home of Toby, and where lots of activity takes place. Strange feelings of sadness and dread are felt as you walk around, and you even get the feeling like you are being watched. Many evp's were captured, including one that acknowledges Zak Bagins of the Ghost Adventures Crew. Upstairs in the main restaurant area, we were able to capture the soldier in the phone booth. We were not, however, allowed upstairs on the upper floors, but have plans on returning and actually planning out a full investigation.